Untold facts behind my independent candidature: an explanation & clarification.
Untold facts behind my independent candidature: an explanation & clarification. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan Honesty, hard work, study, patience and success are inter connected and have significance...
We are in competition to run after the Jahannam -an analytical overview.
We are in competition to run after the Jahannam – An analytical overview. FARHAD UDDIN AHMED BHUIYAN Before I speculate the issue I had better say earning in...
Advocates’ Protection Act: A demand of the age.
Advocates’ Protection Act: A demand of the age . Farhad Uddin...
Victims’ compensation: A legal approach in context of Bangladesh.
Victims’ compensation: A legal approach in context of Bangladesh. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan Someone may differ and can have allergy of the subject matter i am...
Appointment of Clinical Psychologists in Educational Institutions : a well-timed solution for moral defalcation.
Appointment of Clinical Psychologists in Educational Institutions : a well-timed solution for moral defalcation. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan To begin with, I must portrait a reality...
Glitter yourself : stop running after jobs
Glitter yourself : stop running after jobs Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan At the very early age of civilization, human being was not that much ambitions and destined to ply in...
Education- a mirror image of life: our achievement and expectation
Education- a mirror image of life: our achievement and expectation Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan Education- a luminous grandiose and beacon light like blazing ingredient of making any nation civilized and...
Separation of Powers: In context of Bangladesh, India, UK and USA Constitution.
Separation of Powers: In context of Bangladesh, India, UK and USA Constitution. *By Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan The ‘Separation of Powers’...
Establishment of Independent Attorney Services Commission : a long way to go with hopes.
Establishment of Independent Attorney Services Commission : a long way to go with hopes. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan The Law officers of Bangladesh have a significant role to help...