Marriage without consent of Parents-a venomous snap in the society
Marriage without consent of Parents-a venomous snap in the society
With the rapid expansion of socalled civilization and booming of information technology, people around the world, more particularly, in Bangladesh have been used to legging behind all moral values, esteem, social rituals, family ties, respect to family parents and above all religious aspects of individual only because of availing the hatred opportunities and desires what they want kicking out all restrictions and values of both family and society. Having deep concern, I am to bring to light that by lapse of good parenting and all other reasons and scope in the society and country, thousands and thousands of adolescent young and unmarried or married people are running after to catch their badly cherished dream of relationship by way of illicit physical relation or marriage without the consent of their guarding. This trend is spreading throughout the country like as virus. Social, family norms and values are now-a- day, about to flee away. Question may arise what factors may have mechanism to accelerate this venom like trend or moral defalcation of the lion share of the youngster, married and unmarried people. Why they do not hesitate to show thumb to their parents while taking a decision of being tied with opposite gender is very common but unanswered point of this age. Thane is some key issues that chase the people are our society to be reckless in regard to choose their better halves. Firstly, lack of good parenting and moral education mostly make them dogmatic and obstinate while taking and choosing life partner except the consent of guardians. Next to this what I believe to be a factor is that booming of social media and its improper usages which turned their minds to remain inside the box. Their thinking does not tend to out box. Free and illicit mixing make them addicted to the opposite gender. More so, no telling to say that selfishness and covetousness turn the chapter of the people to be disloyal to their parents and guardians in case of getting married with opposite gender.
Most importantly, some parents and guardians do not think so that they should monitor the way of living of their off spring which is a vital reason of not being able to control them when they decide to get married with their chosen partners.
To be honest, there is no denying fact that people now-a- day do not pay heed to respect the value of any relationship. Very often, the want and desire is to consume each other in illicit manner which in some extent makes the individual bound to get married without the consent of parents or guardians.
May be the lowest and hardly found religious belief of each individual narrows down the approach and thought to overlook the decision of parents and/or guardians in case of choosing partner and getting married.
It is admittedly true that there are thousands of reasons behind this skyrocketing flu like social defalcation and degradation. Out of these, I have tried to put forward some of magnetic factors in this write-up.
However, off late, Bangladesh has been turned into social & moral defalcation hub. Mother’s have been killing their beloved children only because of extra, marital relation, fathers are not Angel in this race.
The trend of getting married without consent and approval be the parents and/or guardians have become alarming now a day’s which may cause the scarcity of moral & social values in the little bit further future. Moving eyeballs on newspapers.
We have been what to seeing various untoward news relating to this burning issue which has also been the paralyzing tool of family bond and norms.
Eventually, the consequence of such moral & social defalcation has no boundary. It can have long term effect in the society, civilization as well. Though reckless lifestyle & audacity has been chasing millions of people to the hole, there are good number of possibilities to eradicate this loopholes.
People, being deviated from morality and social norms, can not help becoming victimized and looser in future. They have, in fact, to count enormous sufferings and untold legal procedural hazards to stabilise their opted conjugal life.
Interestingly, it is very often found in practice that people, at the inception of getting married without consent from the parents and guardians can not establish their opted conjugal life smoothly rather they have to encounter social, financial & legal consequences.
If someone intends to bypass his/her guardians and gets married at immature age or adult age, various kind of legal proceedings will await for their fate.
It is very much true that being emotional youngsters of this age take such kind of decision ignoring their parents.
In most of the cases, women have to face repression and torture be their husbands,/mother-in-law, if they get married without the consent of the parents or guardians.
More particularly, Bazlur Rashid Dolon a Lawyer of Supreme Court talking about this issue expressed his deep concern that “if someone gets married without consent of his/her parent, he/she has to put up with the borderless torture though out his/her life. He/She can neither share it to parents nor tolerate it”.
Needless to say that, Repression for dowry, extra marital relation and various issues tend women to be roasted be husband, mother-in-Law & others.
Around 95% cases filed by the women are originating from the couples who got married without the consent of parents or guardians; added Md. Shamim Khan, an advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court.
“Because of moral defalcation and lack of proper moral lesson, such kind of social disorder and number of the divorces are increasing day by day in Bangladesh”- says Barrister Mustasim Tanzir, an advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court.
Considering the on going situation throughout the country, I have nothing to say except recommending to work out the following points.
I had better state that until and unless we become conscious regarding such social degradation, it will not be possible for us to put a full stop in this regard.
United and untiring efforts to bring back the lost social esteem & value can, more particularly, carry into effect in the long run.
As per Muslim Shariah Law, there is no scope of being married without the valid consent from parents or guardians.
The age of bride below 18 and the age of bridegroom below the age of 21 can not get married without the consent of parents and guardians as per law of Bangladesh.
At the very bottom line, it can be said that for the greater interest of our social and moral value savings we can, need and should come forward to make our children much aware of the demerits of getting tied without the consent from parents or guardians. The writer is an Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh who can be reached at