Education- a mirror image of life: our achievement and expectation
Education- a mirror image of life: our achievement and expectation
Education- a mirror image of life: our achievement and expectation
Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan
Education- a luminous grandiose and beacon light like blazing ingredient of making any nation civilized and decorating the inner hearts of the same in a signified way can, in any way, never be daunted with the increasingly stuff and non-sense garbage like raw materials in this very recent day(s). The touchstone like guide line and passport of any nations uplifting abstract ingredients, in fact, be given more priority, keeping beyond any dispute or criticism at all. And once this mentor like basic element of making the things happen and ornamenting our way of approaching and living here in this universe will be regarded at best. Actually, the basic need we require to avail us a great capital and part and parcel of our life is education that has no measuring scale. It is a miraculous power which can, significantly, change any nation’s fate and desired vision.
The great friend of living being like mankind is, undoubtedly, assumed as education which bears a whole lot of enlightening power to anybody else. Education is, in fact, the captain of any nation that can ensure to reach its own opted mission after having a rocky and struggleful adventure in the life like ferocious waveful sea journey.
It will not be wrong with saying education as a reflection of how much a nation is civilized or not. One thing can, certainly, be brought to light that education is, a safeguard and watchdog of any nation which expects to be the classic and heroic in every stepping of making the successful life journey. Many scholars and educationalists have argued with the concept and as it is definition of education and once they have been supposed to sound with one voice that the term education has no boundary to title and define, at the same time they opined on the issue having their whole hearted extract and praiseworthy feelings that are now a day, the evidence for us to go ahead with a multiplied spirit and passion.
Regarding education, many countries of the world including our- least developing country have forwarded with a variety of effective initiatives, only with a view to full filling the knowledge vessel of those countries people. Some have been able to make their opted mission availed and remaining are in quest of doing so. But we need to know the exact strategies of acquiring this valued ingredient that life friendly.
And then, perhaps there will have more or less attainment that be our preamble and liquid capital of crossing a struggleful voyage. But in fact, we are running after acquiring knowledge on any issue having spent a massive budget that is not being able to guarantee us to have the same at all. This will support all classes of people that the topic we are in action to outline has a great acceptance and inner significance in all the way of our life. Perhaps, there will have no debate regarding the recently well-talked matter. Education has an influence to give birth a civilized nation. There may not have any argument if we have a little bit love and affection to the talked issue.
Centuries after the century, we are crawling to give a glitter in education system, rather than pointing it out how to look forward the touchstone like matter in a well-defined and very good way. Our civil society members were used to keeping them silent and it is also lingering and for this, our education system is about to go astray and get dusted with the tide of evil practice and so on.
Moving our eye balls on different developed countries education portfolio, we had better give a U turn in our own education system by which millions of desired people, particularly, young generation will, in fact, have a great access to the knowledge horizon to make sure an apt world class leader funt had to be in the last ten year, but with a great lapse on the fact we could not avail the opted turning for which we will have to count a lot of suffering(s). There is no alternative dose of education distribution for the greater interest of the countrymen. Reason of this, our cordial trying must fit a specific goal to make headway. In very recent days, we have been able to perceive that education has become a prompt and ensured profit making business by which some of illiterate people have amassed a bulk of money.
In Bangladesh, having a whole lot of profit making trend in education business- particularly, different mode of admission coaching which are mushroomed like over here in Dhaka city. The measuring scale of quality education providing has, in fact, no specification on which civil society members of the universe, in general, are busy with screening something that has no potentiality to get implemented.
In fact, education have been increasingly becoming an artful tool in the coming days. Reason behind this is only the lack and scarcity of monitoring and looking after those persons and/or organizations involved in educating the nation. There are many teachers over here in Dhaka city, who have no basic knowledge on their advertised subjects of teaching. But randomly, we are seeing that, the number of students, aiming to acquire the bordered knowledge on their desired subjects, have a remarkable rush and flow to them.
Actually, factors which result to get biased to those coaching center(s) or teaching home are, in particular, the tactful and cheating tented stuff and non-sense slang language contained advertisements. Needless to say that, being more or less educated, at best majority of our countrymen have a blind devoted trend to admit their offspring in different coaching center. No telling to say that, the era of bringing to light the nation is, in fact, becoming much more burning to us. However, some people believe that, admission into any coaching center can, in most cases, be the gateway and roadmap of making their child qualified enough to be able to combat in their academic exams.
But the real scenario does get fitted with this baseless concept as thousands and thousands of rural area’s students are making astonishing results and if the elite area’s students, guardians think and consider about the true fact, then undoubtedly the bad practice of sending to coaching centers would go down at a pleasing level. And with the banner of teaching teachers and some of baseless institutions avail their opted earning flow from the students. It is even true that certificate attaining has been a common scene rather than extracting the life- friendly ray of knowledge. Many of private universities, except a handful, are doing business on certificate sales with a marginal amount that in a sporadic way has made defamation for all private university graduates.
On education system what we, usually, talk and try to avert the policy makers cannot affirm us to get an original execution feedback in this regard. We know very well that, if we can win over to introduce a sound and world class education system in Bangladesh. Though having an unfortunate effort to pull on the ancient and traditional way and made of teaching is, in most cases, widely being found in use, we had better think the different and updated policy on education and so on to be able to gain a great deal of potentiality at the same time classic knowledge.
Here, one more point can be brought forwarded that our discussions and minutes of the said are kept limited only till the round table discussions that don’t get the way to be implemented having a rosy possibility. However, needless to say that taking education, we all are more or less busy and involved with making our business and profit expanded. Very frankly speaking, education, in a very good way, can weight all sorts of human activity. So, it is an immaterial talk that it cannot chase us rather destroying our feeling and vision.
Having looked at the classic world, it is undoubtedly obvious to all that only basing on the education development they have been able to carry the day and this type of trend is also in blooming whereas throughout the world people of the intellectual row are sounding and introducing assorted type of effective (according to them) policies and roadmap to be able to have all the ongoing and impending problems resolved and die out. However, nothing can be deemed fruitful, if we keep paying whimsical attention and just try to adopt a series of backdated and garbage like tools of making and digging out the increasingly alarming threat to our education and concerning factors in the long run. As we need to believe in the rapid expansion of financial wheel to win over the upcoming every sorts of bar that can, in course of time, suppose us to be chased to the astray, our bordered and whole hearted feeling must have to find out the passages and pipelines to uproot all the allergy like drawbacks concerned with education- the tonic and proper dose of making any nation herald and distinct with civility.
Discrimination in education system, I mean school system, in particular, is a commonly found poison like demerits of ensuring any nation’s backdoor of development. Only a certain period is not and may not be considered responsible for this as there is a proof of accumulated years. We get pain when a student even being extra ordinary cannot get room for educating himself/ herself in an equal standard of education, whereas students born with silver spoon are being able enough to get standard schooling and quality education.
That is, of course, a discrimination can amount any nation after a certain period rooted and die out, having a whole lot of needed and categorical disorders and maladjustment of the society, country as well, someone may be attempting to come to light the logic that, it is not possible to give access to all the grass root people equally educated.
But I don’t know whether they have stood by the fact realizing or not. By born, every citizen of any country is entitled to get treated equal in all kind of facilities getting. But it is a regretful matter that all in a sudden ever and anon, this burning question has been overlooked by negligible means by the concerned. Anyway, what would be highly appreciated in regard to excel the wheel of our forwarding must get a good favor with a view to ensuring a rock less and well-defined way of getting classic in its kind in the little bit further. In someone’s prediction may cover the thing that common notion and unique methodology of educating all the students can, in real sense, award a very rosy possibility in the long run.
But, question is there whether is it possible enough to assure and implement the journey of making the mode of country’s education unique and indifferent or not. So, speaking a lot and discussing in different stages of meeting only may not be the way how we will get rid of the bad and immature education system. One thing I can remember that, having a marked and root discrimination in our country’s education system. Now-a-days, almost of the village or remote areas, students are being capable enough to carry out a handsome and outstanding result, job placement as well. That is why, for logical reason, it would be our wise decision and footprint to equalize the mode of education to the nation. Unless we do it in no time, there may have taken place a series of problem concerning and originating from this discrimination- that has been regarded a massive threat to the way of knowledge horizon skyrocketing with a great and ultimate desire and triggering point.
Furthermore, I feel like to mention here a very bad practice on going in our country’s almost highest and beginning educational institution(s). I.e. in every knock and corner of the country, there is an acute partition among the teachers, lawyers, doctors and any other professionals being blessed with different political wing and so on. For a better outcome of a nation, it had better attempt immediately to root out the pending drawbacks of the concerned authorities and even in the bureaucratic procedures of the state for which a skyrocketing trend towards the development is about to get collapsed in no time.
However, we, the very eager and determined people paying pin drop attention to all the burning issues, are not that much away from the agendas have to be implemented without having any invisible influence of the ruling and opposition leaders of the hall only to having the objective to ascertain the ongoing multilevel development activities.
On the other hand, regarding the issue, education- critiques may clap with the sound and prediction that it can never be washed away from our motherland. To carry into effect, in every walls of our country’s educational activities, we must have to be dedicated and only our honest efforts and willingness can assure the betterment related to the said issue. However, one word must go towards the policy makers of the state that even being independent nation, we could not become personal intern free citizen; and a part from this, our intention is full of occasional failure and void of cordiality that supposed to result us the present situation of education in Bangladesh.
Though, there is a ray of hope in this day- some of the privately owned universities and colleges started adopting international standard of educating, it has no affirmed possibility to be sustained and carried as because the toxic snap of both the competitive institutions and concerned deviated and badly intended high officials of the education and others department. Virtually, it will not act as much as we spend and sound voice unless we, the devil like being, would not be able to outbox ourselves from the centralized approach of doing anything. To be honest, increasingly mushroom like tuition providers both in Bangladesh and out land may bring and welcome a wary for all of us engaged in thinking about the best way or passage of getting rid of this.
However, no telling to say and state that being well-timed, thoughtful and blazing opinion arisen, in particular can, for a moment, astonish the follower’s not having the trend to be that much enthusiastic in this aspect to gear up the most talked issues of this age. Hence, to color the fact and circumstances in real sense, we had better dip our thoughtful and wise thinking mood so that manifold good signs and welcoming verses can bring to light and come up in regard to re-arrange and for reshuffle the existing and to be existed crisis throughout the inland and out land what so ever we do feel like to state and furnish over here having a wholesome constructive logic and arguments that results the inner significance of opening the gateway(s) of making any nation civilized enough by dint of its untiring efforts and so on. Which, for instance, can be titled as of burning question and much talked issue to be revolved in no time with the utmost interference of all classes of people of any sovereign authority; aiming to remain unchanged the little efforts continued in its kind for the greater interest of the mankind. In not too little distance, we must have to dig out and encounter assorted type of absurd issues relating to today’s mostly burning issue like the drawback of education. However, in the upcoming days, there is a great degree and range of stock piling the staff and nonsense approach and the way of education and so on. It is, more importantly, noticeable hereby that almost learners rest on the books available in the market and thus they are being led to the uncertain deterioration of moral ethics and capital of chasing the raft of life boosting up.
No telling to say and state here with a particular and blazing example for the sake of setting an irrefutable. Precedent in its kind that a good number of semi-educated and derailed fellows are, in fact, trying to dust the image of increasingly mentionable abstract like education and so on in this uprising and magnificent universe in the long run to be able to carry into effect their evil and artful way of doing some sorts of ill-motived and drastic works by the way of showing their civility keeping their bad omen behind the screen and lagging behind the drawback.
A part from this, one interesting but well-timed and widely acceptable concept is that people of least developing country like Bangladesh are at best in quest of getting the shortcut way of learning and certificate acquiring. People in Bangladesh mostly emphasize on the alternative routes of availing something special like education and so on. Though it can, in fact, be mentioned in a significant manner………..
Beside this, it is to be assumed and predicted out and out that in every knock and corner of the country trade based on education which has already been able to deteriorate every wings of the students resulting a lot of retreat from the morality.
One thing we must understand more or less, though this may not be lean to all of us, that our future is now-a-days floating with the tide of rubbish in full swing because of not having sound and mainstream practice and the access of doing it by all and Sunday.
If spoken and uttered any true and just view in regard to the rapid and up to the mark success of the nation and country, then obviously it would be taken by rank and file in a bad manner and there will have no room to be able to do the better efforts.
The ultimate aim of education is, in real sense, likely to be die out and disappear because of having job trend and earning based way of learning and teaching.
It is no doubt that we cannot help depending on the traditional approach of education leaving our own creativity and productive mission availing spirit triggering the wholesome point of success.
However, there is nothing deny able but true enough that we people have been used enough to praise and instigate the derailed students to go faster for availing their so called desire and aspect.
Interestingly speaking, Guardians are in a greater degree and range, responsible for their off-spring’s degradation, though Govt. and concerned teaching institutions can never overlook their liability in this regard rather they better apply and mention the concerned people.
To me, it is an absolute irregularity in the education system of our country which should in course of time be rooted out by all sorts of efforts for securing the betterment and well- triggered success gateway and mission of the millions of upcoming young generations.
Though in favor of my argument a majority of civil society people may talk about, but in fact the fate and long run of my much type of approach will have no more room and well- place in the many people’s mind at best.
This is, in fact, not a drawback only for our country; randomly we can see and experience it in many of today’s underdeveloped countries like…..
One thing I must emphasis on in a whole is that we people, are now-a-days more tended to receive lissome education; not the actual one which has supposed us to get retreated in a greater extend.
Not surprisingly, we must pay and care for an authentic and actualized success friendly passage of education. Only blaming to others may not result anything positive but guiding and pointing out the ways (constructive and logical) can mostly benefit us in an escalated and defined way.
If we love, inspire to be beloved and we have trend to be dedicated not for ours, but for the rank and file, our target to unveil the great opportunities (which was barred by bad practice of our evil politicians and others) will, certainly get an exact and high price and pace whatever we do believe or not.
Virtually, responsibility sharing, I mean, guardians and the mentors (teachers and institutions) should have care for and curiosity. On the ground that, where their off-spring are taught and by whom they are, actually, being guided or is there any standard of modern and well-timed expected education maintained or not?
Therefore, at least this can surely be said that having monitored and looking after by the guardian’s community, there is a zero chance of the educational standard degradation; though overnight we cannot expect it to be accordingly.
Beside this, one interesting point I think fit to be stated that the esteem quality may, in real sense, be found and confirmed by dint of bilateral acts or omission of all the concerned.
Anyway, our spirit centering on this is, anyhow, getting mounted be degrees, though we cannot overly be sure of the positive outcome of this drawbacks by and within the next 5 years.
For although budget and other government policies relocated matter mostly hampers, an aliened step, to countdown and open the awarded gateway on passage of the brightest future, with open grams.
Even after, from time to time we think and find the ways whatever we do realize in the subject matter, but in most cases, attempts do not last the long rather our confidence over the issue gets break down in the long run.
Despite, many of inevitable drawbacks and limitations in our lord’s education system and thereby all relevant problems originating from this field, we are, however, not lagging behind rather applying the utmost force in this aspect.
As a rule, all assorted type of complications originating from the today’s burning issue- we had better, in real sense, put our views and norms with an utmost degree and scale to be able to win the race of getting the things happen in bit by bit.
A part from this, it is interesting enough to place here one more living logic in such a manner of which civil society- members will and /or may have allergy having stuff and nonsense view not widely acceptable by the common people and others.
Next to this, no telling to say and state that, in order to mitigate and countdown the existing every pulse of irregularities in the above told matter; our untiring efforts must have to utilize for the sake of sure shoot in the line of education.
How many words do we place and how much optimistic we are in respect to get a quick feedback from the people of every knock and corner?
It seems to me that in the educational field the number of moral teachers and students are hardly found.
Even though, a few of teachers in our country try and attempt to practice moral approach mostly.
One thing I should point out here more specifically- that is to say the business of getting only certificate outweigh, the expected quality of education in the long run. Though certificate acquiring requires in almost cases of job placement.
From my point of view, it is to mean that the tertiary education system in Bangladesh is not that much downing situation where as we experience and find out a wholesome questionable education system in the country’s primary and secondary level. However, we, therefore, feel confident of getting this abnormality in education system by the latest and concerted efforts of all the voters and country drivers of the country. Although there is a reason to believe the thing that we are not in the very detrimental position like as some of the African countries education system above all. At the moment, what we need and should have to introduce in education development process is the updated version of knowledge sharing and transaction due to not being retreated in the Global race all and sundry.
Here, right now some points had better remember for all of us. This should not be forgetting that education is the single most basic ingredient of human mind setting and decoration in a significant manner to weigh the opportunities of career up.
Anyway, I have tried to put and show up many of realistic and logical approaches of what is going on in every knock and corner of our country’s education system and also how to revive in this world with a changed and well-timed but Globally accepted classic mode and system of education.
My trying and efforts may be beneficial if these can, in real sense, knock at the heart of the civil society people, concerned authorities and the Government. Virtually, it cannot be denied that having utmost sincerity, sometimes, the authorities fail to finalize any kind of updated education system since we more or less know that there is a tendency in the mind of every politicians and affluent not to assist in any good attempt. The reasons behind this may be their lack of patriotic emotion and spirit which counsels them to send their son and daughters to outland for higher studies. Criticism and commentary whatever we throw triggering the policy makers, it will never work properly as they mostly need to use hearing aid only for this purpose. Even they avoid this issue with stating some rough and raw materials like opinion.
Even after, one word I prefer to lay here most humbly to concerned policy makers of the country that the thickness of their skin is like as ‘GONDER’-an animal.
Before stopping my words placing regarding the much talked issue, I would like to convene and urge to the conscious citizens of this independent country to be more thoughtful and practical to form a social movement and mandate (if needed), to make our dreams to happen in no time.
To last, with a great degree of panic and deep concern, I would like to recommend and cordially request to all the authorized bodies and persons whoever they are irrespective to religion, caste, race political party; for outlining an updated version of education systems and in case of need there may have a permanent monitoring cell for overall co-ordination and accountability ensuring for the better uplifting of this ill-fated nation in no time.